319 Duval Street (rear)
Key West, Florida 33040

Please note New Time this season: All performances begin at 7:30PM, unless otherwise noted.

2024-2025 SEASON

Dec. 18-Jan. 11

Jan. 28-Feb. 22

Mar. 4-29

Apr. 8-May 3

Subscriptions starting at $173

The Season Subscription does not include Opening Nights or Special Events.

Opening Night subscriptions available by calling the box office at 305-296-9911. 

Special Events

Christine Mild

January 15-18

Christine Mild, known for her enchanting performances, returns with a brand-new show that promises to be an unforgettable musical journey through the stories and songs.

Vail Johnson

February 9 & 10

BASSically Incorrect is Vails' one- man show encompassing 4 decades of stories about ‘round the world touring & recording with artists and Vail’s unique style of music.

Gerri Louise

February 16 & 17

Gerri Louise Standup: Senior Moments or What the Hell Happened?